
Adultos Adulto niños del al


#{ forfait.selected_ff_days } Días de Forfait

Hotel + Forfait

precio total por noche precio total por noches

Lo sentimos, este hotel no tiene habitaciones disponibles del #{querystring.check_in} al #{querystring.check_out}.


Nueva York - Ver mapa

Servicios destacados:

  • Wifi gratis
  • Aire acondicionado
  • Valoración Excelente (8)

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¡Destino muy solicitado!

8 alojamientos se han reservado los últimos 15 minutos en Nueva York

Últimas opiniones del hotel

8 Muy bueno
Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Muy bueno

Basado en 666 opiniones

Puntuación 4,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

Silencio en la habitación

Puntuación 3,5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


Mostrando 4 opiniones destacadas de 666 opiniones de Tripadvisor



Utica, New York


Puntuación 5 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Great Service”

My sisters and I booked a room at the Hotel for two days to celebrate my birthday and visit a niece attending college. Upon our arrival we realized my sister who booked the room forgot her wallet at home. So no credit cards/identification on her part. The desk clerk was very understanding and ... Más



Toronto, Canada


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Affordable hotel in a great area”

This is not a modern hotel so don't expect all the bells and whistles. It is in a great area of the city, very affordable, warm and comfortable. The staff are helpful and friendly and the hand operated lift is a real treasure. Perfect if you're on a budget and in the city for a few days.


Jeniffer M


Puntuación 4 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor


I give this a 4 star because I was not aware the room I rented had to share bathrooms with the floor. pretty gross the idea, but when I stayed they kept everything super clean. The location is perfect and the customer service is pretty great. the price is awesome for the location.Again the only t... Más




Puntuación 3 sobre 5 para viajeros de TripAdvisor

“Interesting lift!”

We stayed for a couple of nights, the welcome was friendly, the room clean but a bit small. There is a quirky old lift that has to be 'driven' by a member of staff which we found a bit awkward at times.

Sobre el alojamiento

Cómo llegar

Nueva York - Ver mapa

Instalaciones y servicios

Wifi gratis
Aire acondicionado
#{ depositAmount } #{ depositCurrency } #{ depositType }
Forma de pago: #{ paymentMethods }
Fecha de pago: #{ depositTime }
Nº personas: #{numberOfPersons}
Planta: #{floorNumber}
Número reg. turístico:
#{ registryNumber }
Nuestros alquileres incluyen:
Gastos energéticos
Gastos de limpieza
Gastos de gestión

A tener en cuenta

Horarios de entrada y salida

Llegada fuera de horario / Recogida de llaves: #{ lateCheckin }

Número reg. turístico: #{ registryNumber }

Tasas incluidas en el precio final:
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Deauville

  • ¿Cuáles son los servicios destacados de Deauville?

    Wifi gratis, Aire acondicionado y Valoración Excelente (8) son algunos de los servicios destacados de Deauville. Ver lista completa de servicios de Deauville.
  • Sí, los huéspedes de Deauville podrán disfrutar de Wifi gratis.
  • Los hoteles cercanos a Deauville son: Comfort Inn Manhattan - Midtown West y Crescent Hotel, entre otros.
  • Las opiniones más destacadas de Deauville son: My sisters and I booked a room at the Hotel for two days to celebrate my birthday and visit a niece attending college. Upon our arrival we realized my sister who booked the room forgot her wallet at home. So no credit cards/identification on her part. The desk clerk was very understanding and in our chatter realized it was my birthday. He then asked me to follow him and showed me the room we had booked. Then took me two floors up to another much bigger suite and said "Which one would you rather have? No extra cost." Of course I picked the suite which had a complete mini kitchen. Separate bedroom, pull out sofa. It was awesome and very gracious of him to offer it to us. The hotel has great old antique charm. It was within quick walking distance to the subway and my nieces school. There was a wonderful store right across the street called Bread & Butter. Open 24hrs. They had everything you can imagine. Buffet style hot food, fresh deli type area that made, breakfast/lunch/dinner meals/sandwiches. Regular groceries/food to go. We ate there everyday, prices were reasonable. I would definitely book at this hotel again in the future..
  • Deauville se encuentra ubicado en Nueva York - 103 East 29Th Street
  • Nueva York
  • None - None
  • None Adulto
  • 1 Habitación